Unemployment Rates by Race/Ethnicity (II)

In this post, I quickly wanted to look at some plots comparing unemployment rates by race/ethnicity and gender. I will start by comparing unemployment rates for men. The data for the Asian group were not broken down by gender, so this group is dropped from the plots in this post.

Once again, unemployment rates among Black/African American men is higher than their White and Hispanic/Latino counterparts! Remember the plot for Whites includes the Hispanic/Latino group who identify as ‘White’, so the plot would probably show even lower unemployment rates for Caucasian Whites than indicated by the “All White” plots if the Hispanic/Latino group were removed.

Adjusted unemployment rates are similarly worse for Black/African American women which is considerably higher than unemployment rates for White & Hispanic/Latino women.

Combining the two plots above provides the plot below for a quick visual comparison by race/ethnicity & gender.

Looking at the plot comparing race/ethnicity by gender clearly shows consistent higher unemployment rates for Black/African Americans. Latino/Hispanic males fared better than their female counterparts until June ‘17. It increased in the months of July & August which probably have to do more with policy statements. The disparity between female/male unemployment for Whites (again this includes All Whites), does not appear to indicate huge discrepancy.